Risk, Uncertainty, and Decision
18-21 June 2009

Local Organizers:
Bob Nau, Luca Rigotti, Philipp Sadowski

Anyone interested in participating should contact: rud2009 at fuqua.duke.edu

RUD is interested in theories of decision-making under uncertainty, asking how people make or should make decisions in the face of uncertainty. RUD is defined by question as well as method. It emphasizes formal, mathematical approaches to the problem, preferably at a level of generality and abstraction that can serve as a basis for a wide range of applications — both for concrete choice situations and for theoretical work in the social sciences. There is a special interest in the mathematical and philosophical foundations of theories, and, in particular, in axiomatic work. RUD is not wedded to a particular model or class of models, and it encourages new approaches to the problem, including models of bounded rationality. RUD audience is also interested in other methodologies such as empirical and experimental work, neuroscience or philosophical studies. A document detailing the history of RUD is here.